Caution: Most of the papers posted here are quick and dirty PDF
conversions of my own files. In some cases, footnotes and other formatting
have been lost. Please do not cite without checking the published sources!
- “What ‘What it’s Like’ is all
About,” [This is the improved, expanded version of the zombie paper
a couple of lines below.]
- “Dennett’s Overlooked
Originality,” Minds and Machines, Vol. 16:1 (2006), pp. 43-55.
- “Knowing What it’s Like: A
Zombie’s Perspective,” presentation for the 2005 Mountain-Plains
Philosophy Conference, Durango, CO. An earlier version was
presented to the CSU Fresno Cognitive Science Group in April, 2005.
- "Phenomenal
Consciousness, Sense Impressions, and the Logic of "What it's
Like," Consciousness and Emotion (2005), pp.
137-153. Earlier versions presented at the 2003 Eastern Division
Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, the XXIst
World Congress of Philosophy (Istanbul, Turkey), and Towards a
Science of Consciousness V, Tucson, AZ. (Abstract)
- "On the Origin
of Conventional Meaning: A Pragmatist Alternative to Grice,"
forthcoming, Mind & Language
- "Functionalization
and Folk-Psychology: How the mental earns its keep",
forthcoming, Southwest Philosophical Studies, Volume 26 (2004).
- "Interpretation and First-Person
Authority: Davidson on Self Knowledge," Southwest Philosophy
Review, 16:1 (January 2003), pp. 89-96.
- Review of Andrew Brook and Don Ross (eds.), Daniel
Dennett (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus), Notre Dame
Philosophical Reviews, November 2002, available at
- "Some More Thought
About Thought and Talk", Philosophy, 77 (2002): 115-124.
- "Dennett and the Quest for Real
Meaning: In defense of a 'Myth'", Philosophy in the
Contemporary World, Vol. 9:1 (Spring-Summer 2002), pp. 11-18.
- "The Importance of Being
Erroneous: Prospects for Animal Intentionality", Philosophical
Topics, Vol. 27:1 (Spring 1999), pp. 281-308.
- "There's Something About Mary: Phenomenal
Consciousness and its Attributions", Southwest Philosophy Review,
Vol. 16:2 (July 2000). Presented April 2000 at the pacific
division meeting of the American Philosophical Association and at Towards
a Science of Consciousness, Tucson 2000 (abstract).
- "Intentionality Without
Evolution: The Meaning of Life and More", accepted for Southwest
Philosophical Studies (also presented at the June 2000 meeting of the
Society for Philosophy and Psychology: New York, NY).
- Dissertation: "Recipes for the Simple-Minded: A
constructive account of original Intentionality," University of
Pittsburgh, 1999. Click here for Abstract